Friday, August 5, 2011

Ramadhan shot

ok..saje nak show off je kat sini nak mewar2kan yang me and the gang menjual di bazar ramadhan tahun ini.
actually aku nie bukan la interested sangat bila di ajak berbisnes walaupun pada zahirnya kaw tu memang should have so much intention towards business!!
why?(ok im a DBS student,you know D to the B to the S??,its stands for Diploma Business Study)
ok.stop..i think enough of that ;)
back to the topic of bazar
althought im not really interested to start a business
maybe sbb aku nie jenis orang yang malas berfikir,selalu tak nak menyusahkan cik brain,
kao orang pn tahu kan banyak sangat million benda yang harus di ambil peduli bila kita nak berbisnes nie
aku paling tak suka orang yang nak berbuat sesuatu tanpa memikirkan pro dan kontra 
perlakuan tersebut.main sebuttttt je nak buat ape
(message:berfikir sebelum berkata-kata jangan bagi aku rasa nak sepak korang laju kat kepala ;P)
heh!kidding2!aku tidak seganas itu

tapi2 nak habaq bila dah mula b'bisnes
rasa macam seronok!
dalam keadaan separuh sedar aku merasakan the excitement of business bila lihat customer datang and do business with us..(heh!ape yg ak cuba smpaikan nie)
xpelah..yang penting aku happy! :)

psst!en.hanif nak balik esok weh! <3

ok ok..back to the topic again..
afidah the master mind

DBS yaa..

kuih dan muih yg disajikan di gerai INDYBS :)

heart you all! <3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the apple of my eye

You’re my coolest man
You always bring my day to shine
You full my life with colours
You are just like my left shoulder
That give me strength in hurt or pain
Though you’re my right shoulder
That always be for me for joy and happiness
You’re just like my brain to set me up for excellence
You give me hand with whatever i’m up to
You’re just like wind to cool me when i’m “hot”
You’re like pillow that comforts me
You’re  like a sweets  for my bitter
You don’t  even care about your feelings when
It comes to me.
You just ignore yours for me
You just like sticking in my full heart though
we are apart from each other
i just like wanna stick with you forever
you’re my sweetdreams i’ve ever had.
DEAR,i swear you’re the coolest ever!
And i hope it won’t chage till my last breath.